Monday, June 27, 2005


I just found out Friday, Monday, and Tuesday are company holidays. I was only planning on Monday. Think of all the knitting I can do during a five-day weekend! My mom may come up and visit for a day, too, which would be great.

I am in the even rows between the waist decreases and the bust increases on the back of the NBaT. I had to look around online last night to figure out how many rows there should be - hooray for the internet!

I've decided that I want to finish the ChildHood sweater in time for Ellie to wear it for her fall school photos (if it fits and is not ugly). I have part of one front piece, the sleeves, and the striped neck and button bands still to knit.

I've also figured out the niches for the current projects:
NBaT - commuting, evenings
Blanket - putting Ellie to bed (it's too dark to knit the dark blue NBat with the bedtime lighting, and since I have to put Ellie to bed every night I know I'll work on the blanket a bit each day)
Branching Out - lunch breaks, starting with tomorrow. I'll just leave it at work.


Anonymous said...

Do you just sit and chill with Ellie when she goes to bed? I'm always (only) reading when I put Cam down, so there's no knitting time there.

ShelbyD said...

Yep, sit and chill. If we read books, we do it before she gets into bed. She can look at a book in bed if she's lying down quietly. I will sing songs, if she wants, if she is lying down and closes her eyes.

Her bedroom door is open, and the light is on in the hall, so there's enough light for me to sit by her bed and knit something that doesn't require too much concentration. The baby blanket is perfect for this.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, lucky you with the long weekend! I was hoping for one, but sadly have booked myself completely full for Mondy. I'm hoping I can plow through my to-dos enough to leave a bit early on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is right around the corner and it is a perfect time for matheson hammocks county park. Nice blog. I really enjoyed it.