This seamless dress is worked from the top down, with garter stitch straps and hem, and decorative eyelet increases at the center front and back.
Size: 2T
Berroco Comfort DK (50 grams,178 yards), 3 skeins (about 450 yards)
16” circular needle, size 8 (or size needed to obtain gauge)
24” circular needle, size 8 (or size needed to obtain gauge)
8 stitch markers
Gauge: 22 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Pattern notes:
PM – place marker
Kfb – knit into front and back of next stitch
M1 – with the tip of your right needle, knit the bar in between the last stitch on your right needle and the first stitch on the left needle. This increases one stitch and leaves a decorative eyelet.
SlM – slip marker
K – Knit
BO – Bind off
Neck and straps are worked in the round, in garter stitch.
Cast on 80 stitches to shorter circular needle. Join to work in the round, placing marker to note beginning of round.
Round 1 and all odd rows: Purl
Round 2: Knit
Round 4: *K19, kfb*, repeat 3 times
Round 6: Knit
Round 8: K9, *kfb, k20* three times, kfb, K10
Round 10: Remove marker. BO 12, k32, BO 12, k32
You have divided the work to form the straps and have active stitches for the front and back pieces.
Front: At this point you will work back and forth. Turn the work to begin on a wrong side row.
Row 1 (WS): Purl across (32 stitches)
Row 2 (RS): K16, place marker, K16
Row 3: Purl
Row 4: Knit
Row 5: Purl
Row 6: Knit to one stitch before marker, M1, K1, SlM, K1, M1, knit to end of row
Row 7: Purl
Repeat Rows 6 and 7 nine times more. Do not bind off. Break yarn, leaving an 8 inch tail. Front stitches will rest while back is worked.
Back: Attach yarn to the WS side of the back piece and work as for front. Do not break yarn.
At this point you will rejoin the pieces as follows: On the next right side row, knit across back stitches, PM to mark underarm, then knit across the resting front stitches. PM to denote beginning of round, and join underarm by knitting the next stitch.
The rest of the piece will be worked in the round. Work in stockinette stitch, knitting every round, until piece measures 2 inches from underarm or desired length of bodice.
Skirt: At this point you should have markers in the center of the front and back, and at the center of each underarm. Place additional markers to note skirt increase points at the center point in between the existing markers as follows. *SlM, k13, PM, knit to next marker*, repeat to end of round.
You should end up with 8 equidistant markers around the skirt. You will be increasing before and after each marker.
Round 1: SlM, *kfb, knit to last stitch before marker, kfb, SlM*, repeat to end of round
Round 2-6: Knit
Repeat rounds 1-6 eight times more, switching to longer circular needle when required to hold larger number of stitches. At this point, you can remove increase point and center point markers if desired, leaving beginning of round marker in place. Continue in stockinette stitch until skirt is 11 inches from beginning of increase round, or 1 inch shorted than desired length.
Work garter stitch hem as follows:
Round 1,3,5,7,9: Purl
Round 2,4,6,8: Knit
Round 10: Bind off all stitches.
Finishing: Break yarn. Weave in ends. Block if desired.

This dress is just too CUTE! Your little one is a doll! Great work, for both! LOL thanks for sharing with us
that is an absolutely adorable child! She is georgeous, oh & so is the dress I might add!
What a cute dress on a gorgeous girl.
adorable...thanks for posting the pattern.
Beautifull, just gorgeous, and I like the dress too. It looks like such a beautifully simple knit.
I hearts it.
I was looking for something nice for my niece and I landed on your dress. Awsome, I love it, thank you for posting it!
And what a lovely model! She's just too sweet :-)
Oh my goodness!! That is the most adorable thing I have seen in a long time!! And I LOVE the dress too!! ;) What a terrific pattern.
Ola Amiga...
Gostaria muito de obter esta receita em português, isso se for possível.
achei lindo seu trabalho esta de parabens!!!
I love this dress!
Thank you for your post on my blog. I can't believe our daughters have the same name, it's unreal! I'm casting on for this gorgeous dress tonight. Keep an eye out on my blog for my Bea wearing it :-)
Ola Amiga… It would very like to get this prescription in Portuguese, this will be possible. marta.tamasiro@ uol.com.br I found its work this of congratulations pretty! Beijus! Paloma!
The Dress and Your Daughter are both Beautiful.. Thank you for sharing this pattern.
i love this dress. do you have any suggestions for making a larger size like 3T.
I so LOVE this adorable dress, do you have any upsizing for the pattern. I would like to make a size 6.
thanks, Sheryl
Upsizing would be great. How can I help?
This dress is really cute. It says to use comfort dk and size 8 needle. Is that the right needle size for dk weight yarn?
For needle size, you should use whatever needle size gives you an appropriate gauge. For me, the size 8 needle worked to create a fabric that had the drape I was looking for.
To change the pattern's size, I would recommend checking out the finished projects on Ravelry, where some people have noted how they made the pattern larger or smaller. (If you don't have a Ravelry account, I highly recommend it - it's free and fabulous). Alternatively, using larger yarn and needles would be one way to upsize. Since the item is worked from the top down, you can try the dress on the recipient as you go.
Thanks to everyone who views and comments on this pattern! I am so glad that many people have been able to enjoy this piece.
I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful pattern. I just finished making it for my niece. It is adorable. I did it in purple too. I have only been knitting for abour 6 months but this was so easy to follow.
Thank you,
What a great pattern!! I made this for my granddaughter and too cute (the dress was pretty cute too)! Can't wait to try it in cotton (from Fla.).vincess
I made this for my daughter. I added fun fur to the bottom of one and also made it a lot longer. I ended up making two. They are my daughters favorites. She is 4 and still wears them;) of course they are much shorter.
I adore this pattern. The skirt is the perfect width. I found that using size 8 needles made the gauge much too big, though the "drape" of the fabric wasn't unworkable. Using size 8 needles would probably give me a size 3T dress. I had to use size 6 needles. I'm working on a second dress, this time with a little bit of ruffle yarn under the collar and on the skirt of the dress. The dress also looks good if you knit the garter bits in a different/complimenting color.
hi ,
can some one help me , ive got a quick question !
to make a tension square /check gauge , pattern advices 22 stitches but how many rows? thank you = ] x
I love this pattern and am looking forward to making it for my daughter - she will love it :-)
Quick question: When you say size 8 needles, do you mean a UK size 8 (as in 4mm) or a US size 8 (as in 5mm) I'm assuming UK size 8 as this is a more usual size for DK yarn but just wanted to check what you used.
E xx
I love this pattern. I knitted it for my granddaughter for X-mas 2016 with a Christmas blend colored yarn. Turned out great! I enjoyed knitting it so much I'm going to knit her another one from a cotton blend yarn for spring/summer! Thank you for sharing. My granddaughter's name is Violet, she's 2 now.
Hi! Absolutely adorable! Can't thank you enough for sharing this pattern! such a lovely dress!! want to make this for my niece. Love the pattern.
Hi, I've knitted the dress ALMOST twice now for a friend's newborn twins. I used Size 6 needles and the Berocco comfort dk yarn. I checked the gauge before knitting and it was perfect. I'm concerned because the bodice only measures about 18 inches around. Isn't this going to be way to small for a toddler's chest size? Maybe I should remove a bunch of rows from the length so that it will be for a younger, tinier child? If it's too long and the child is younger and only crawling or just toddling, she will trip!
I just finished this dress and I can't wait until I give it to my granddaughter for Christmas. I think I'll make another one, it is that cute!
Round 8: K9, *kfb, k20* three times, kfb, K10 -87sts
→Round 8: K10, *kfb, k20* three times, kfb, K10 -88sts
I don't understand the ham gatter sts.
Can you tell me how to get up?
l'd ike to translate your designs into Korean.
And I want to kal with my friends.
Would you give me permission.
I'll look forward to hearing from you.
E-mail shj120812@naver.com
I am on round 4 and it says repeat 3 times however I still have 19+ stitches left on the round. Do you mean repeat 4 times?
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